

class  std::gslice
class  std::gslice_array< _Tp >
class  std::indirect_array< _Tp >
class  std::mask_array< _Tp >
class  std::slice
class  std::slice_array< _Tp >




 std::gslice::gslice ()
 std::gslice::gslice (size_t __o, const valarray< size_t > &__l, const valarray< size_t > &__s)
 std::gslice::gslice (const gslice &)
 std::gslice_array< _Tp >::gslice_array (const gslice_array &)
 std::indirect_array< _Tp >::indirect_array (const indirect_array &)
 std::mask_array< _Tp >::mask_array (const mask_array &)
 std::slice::slice ()
 std::slice::slice (size_t __o, size_t __d, size_t __s)
 std::slice_array< _Tp >::slice_array (const slice_array &)
 std::gslice::~gslice ()
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator%= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator%= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator%= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator%= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator%= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator%= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator%= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator%= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator&= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator&= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator&= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator&= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator&= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator&= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator&= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator&= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator*= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator*= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator*= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator*= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator*= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator*= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator*= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator*= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator+= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator+= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator+= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator+= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator+= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator+= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator+= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator+= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator-= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator-= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator-= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator-= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator-= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator-= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator-= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator-= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator/= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator/= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator/= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator/= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator/= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator/= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator/= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator/= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator<<= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator<<= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator<<= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator<<= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator<<= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator<<= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator<<= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator<<= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
gslice_array & std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator= (const gslice_array &)
indirect_array & std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator= (const indirect_array &)
mask_array & std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator= (const mask_array &)
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
gslice & std::gslice::operator= (const gslice &)
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator= (const _Tp &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator= (const _Tp &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator= (const _Tp &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
slice_array & std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator= (const slice_array &)
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator= (const _Tp &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Ex >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator= (const _Expr< _Ex, _Tp > &__e) const
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator>>= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator>>= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator>>= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator>>= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator>>= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator>>= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator>>= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator>>= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator^= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator^= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator^= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator^= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator^= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator^= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator^= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator^= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator|= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator|= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator|= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator|= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator|= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator|= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator|= (const valarray< _Tp > &) const
template<class _Dom >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator|= (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &) const
size_t std::slice::size () const
valarray< size_t > std::gslice::size () const
size_t std::slice::start () const
size_t std::gslice::start () const
size_t std::slice::stride () const
valarray< size_t > std::gslice::stride () const

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

std::gslice::gslice ( )

Construct an empty slice.

Definition at line 149 of file gslice.h.

std::gslice::gslice ( size_t  __o,
const valarray< size_t > &  __l,
const valarray< size_t > &  __s 

Construct a slice.

Constructs a slice with as many dimensions as the length of the l and s arrays.

__oOffset in array of first element.
__lArray of dimension lengths.
__sArray of dimension strides between array elements.

Definition at line 153 of file gslice.h.

std::gslice::gslice ( const gslice __g)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 158 of file gslice.h.

template<typename _Tp >
std::gslice_array< _Tp >::gslice_array ( const gslice_array< _Tp > &  __a)

Copy constructor. Both slices refer to the same underlying array.

Definition at line 143 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
std::indirect_array< _Tp >::indirect_array ( const indirect_array< _Tp > &  __a)

Copy constructor. Both slices refer to the same underlying array.

Definition at line 143 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
std::mask_array< _Tp >::mask_array ( const mask_array< _Tp > &  a)

Copy constructor. Both slices refer to the same underlying array.

Definition at line 139 of file mask_array.h.

std::slice::slice ( )

Construct an empty slice.

Definition at line 90 of file slice_array.h.

std::slice::slice ( size_t  __o,
size_t  __d,
size_t  __s 

Construct a slice.

__oOffset in array of first element.
__dNumber of elements in slice.
__sStride between array elements.

Definition at line 94 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
std::slice_array< _Tp >::slice_array ( const slice_array< _Tp > &  a)

Copy constructor. Both slices refer to the same underlying array.

Definition at line 207 of file slice_array.h.

std::gslice::~gslice ( )


Definition at line 163 of file gslice.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator%= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Modulo slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 202 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator%= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Modulo slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 192 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator%= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Modulo slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 196 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator%= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Modulo slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 258 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator&= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical and slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 206 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator&= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical and slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 196 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator&= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical and slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 200 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator&= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical and slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 262 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator*= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Multiply slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 200 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator*= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Multiply slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 190 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator*= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Multiply slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 194 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator*= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Multiply slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 256 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator+= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Add corresponding elements of v to slice elements.

Definition at line 203 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator+= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Add corresponding elements of v to slice elements.

Definition at line 193 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator+= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Add corresponding elements of v to slice elements.

Definition at line 197 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator+= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Add corresponding elements of v to slice elements.

Definition at line 259 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator-= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Subtract corresponding elements of v from slice elements.

Definition at line 204 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator-= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Subtract corresponding elements of v from slice elements.

Definition at line 194 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator-= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Subtract corresponding elements of v from slice elements.

Definition at line 198 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator-= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Subtract corresponding elements of v from slice elements.

Definition at line 260 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator/= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Divide slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 201 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator/= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Divide slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 191 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator/= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Divide slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 195 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator/= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Divide slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 257 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator<<= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Left shift slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 208 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator<<= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Left shift slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 198 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator<<= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Left shift slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 202 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator<<= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Left shift slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 264 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
gslice_array< _Tp > & std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const gslice_array< _Tp > &  __a)

Assignment operator. Assigns slice elements to corresponding elements of a.

Definition at line 148 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
indirect_array< _Tp > & std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const indirect_array< _Tp > &  __a)

Assignment operator. Assigns elements to corresponding elements of a.

Definition at line 154 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
mask_array< _Tp > & std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const mask_array< _Tp > &  __a)

Assignment operator. Assigns elements to corresponding elements of a.

Definition at line 149 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Assign slice elements to corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 166 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Assign slice elements to corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 168 of file indirect_array.h.

gslice & std::gslice::operator= ( const gslice __g)

Assignment operator.

Definition at line 170 of file gslice.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const _Tp &  __t) const

Assign all slice elements to t.

Definition at line 158 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const _Tp &  __t) const

Assign all slice elements to t.

Definition at line 158 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const _Tp &  __t) const

Assign all slice elements to t.

Definition at line 163 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
slice_array< _Tp > & std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const slice_array< _Tp > &  __a)

Assignment operator. Assigns slice elements to corresponding elements of a.

Definition at line 215 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Assign slice elements to corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 229 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator= ( const _Tp &  __t) const

Assign all slice elements to t.

Definition at line 224 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator>>= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Right shift slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 209 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator>>= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Right shift slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 199 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator>>= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Right shift slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 203 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator>>= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Right shift slice elements by corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 265 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator^= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical xor slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 205 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator^= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical xor slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 195 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator^= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical xor slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 199 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator^= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical xor slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 261 of file slice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::gslice_array< _Tp >::operator|= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical or slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 207 of file gslice_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::mask_array< _Tp >::operator|= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical or slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 197 of file mask_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::indirect_array< _Tp >::operator|= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical or slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 201 of file indirect_array.h.

template<typename _Tp >
void std::slice_array< _Tp >::operator|= ( const valarray< _Tp > &  __v) const

Logical or slice elements with corresponding elements of v.

Definition at line 263 of file slice_array.h.

size_t std::slice::size ( ) const

Return size of slice.

Definition at line 102 of file slice_array.h.

valarray< size_t > std::gslice::size ( ) const

Return array of sizes of slice dimensions.

Definition at line 139 of file gslice.h.

size_t std::slice::start ( ) const

Return array offset of first slice element.

Definition at line 98 of file slice_array.h.

size_t std::gslice::start ( ) const

Return array offset of first slice element.

Definition at line 135 of file gslice.h.

size_t std::slice::stride ( ) const

Return array stride of slice.

Definition at line 106 of file slice_array.h.

valarray< size_t > std::gslice::stride ( ) const

Return array of array strides for each dimension.

Definition at line 143 of file gslice.h.